Recipe Swap: Toddler Week
Published by Beth on Thursday, April 17, 2008 at 8:06 PMLabels: thoughts
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Look! It's a big grin on my face! :-D
In the meantime, we will have our first baby in October.
(Ashley had to point your confession, er, announcement out to me just now, here hidden in the comments.)
CONGRATS! :-) Due in December? Yay! I note you've been feeling exhausted, but have you been sick at all? I guess I'll subscribe to comments in case you want to respond here, but I REALLY THINK YOU SHOULD WRITE A SEPARATE POST about this.
Just my two cents. :-P
I'm sorry! I should have mentioned it with a little more clarity. I'm just not good at mentioning such things out in the open. I guess it's the shyness in me.
I'm creating a post about it right now, though.