Seeking Fellowship
Published by Beth on Thursday, September 14, 2006 at 7:39 PMI am very excited to have had my first women's Bible study at our church. Up until now, my husband and I haven't been very involved with the church community, partially because of our school/work schedules. It's been hard to make friends as a result.
I'm so glad to be starting a Bible study. It currently meets Wednesday nights at 7 at the house of the woman hosting it. Last night I got to meet lots of great women--some single, some married, some older, some younger, most with full-time careers. I'm ecstatic to meet so many encouraging women, who all love the Lord.
Most importantly, it gives me the chance to delve deeper into God's Word. We are doing a study on the book of Acts. I can't wait to dig deeper and learn more about the character of God and the history of the early church.
Pray that God will teach me to more closely follow His ways in the next few months. Pray that I can overcome my nervousness to get to know all these women, all of which I just met last night. Pray that I can find encouragement, and that I will be an encouragement to them.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
I will be praying for you as you study Acts. Pray for me too, that God would have me learn what he wants to teach me through Romans.