Baby Sling

I just finished putting together a baby sling for the new little one, (it was a great was to spend a "hurricane day" off of work!) and I think it came out really well.

I chose a cotton fabric in pretty mossy green for the sling and specially ordered some rings in bronze. I love the combination together! Most of the slings I've seen online have had silver rings, which I think are pretty, too, but I think the mix of green and bronze is just striking. I've been practicing with it a little bit, trying to figure out the best way to adjust it while wearing it. It's definitely not as easy as it looks!

All in all, the project took only about 1 1/2 hours to put together, and it was very easy sewing too.

I'll post a picture of the sling in use as demonstrated by my test subject when I can, since Blogger is throwing a fit right now and won't post pictures. Grrr.

*Updated* Yay! Pictures are working. Here is the one I promised:

beth's signature

I'm Liveblogging the Storm

The last hurricane to "hit" our area was 3 years ago, when Hubby Dear and I decided to evacuate and head north to his family's house in Dallas. It turns out that everyone else had the same idea, and we spent 10 hours in our car, hoping we wouldn't run out of gas. We left at 8 in the evening, hoping the usually 4 hours drive would be quick. At 6 a.m., we arrived tired, but relieved to be out of Houston. Of course, Hurricane Rita didn't actually hit us as was thought, so we evacuated for nothing.

We didn't evacuate for this one (it's only a tropical storm after all, not near as big a deal as Rita was) and so far, this tropical storm has been a dud. It's been raining, yes, but so far the wind is calm and we are content in our cozy little apartment.

Yesterday, of course, everyone was preparing for the worst, since Houston has had a few very damaging tropical storms and hurricanes in the past. The Medical Center here is practically shut down, and all outpatient appointments have been canceled. I bet they will all feel pretty silly tomorrow when not much damage has been reported. I'm not complaining, though, since it's been really nice to have the day off to relax and clean my bathroom!

So anyway, for those wondering, we are doing fine here. It's a blessing that the storm is not threatening us at all, and I have the day off!

beth's signature


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