Reflections on an Autumn Day

Just when the lazy days of summer seem to be very lazy indeed, a crisp breath of air awakened me one morning. Excitement always floods my head, for autumn is just around the corner. In the heat and humidity of the summer, I long for the days of hot apple cider, crackling fires, brilliant leaves, and spicy pumpkin pie. Of hay rides through corn mazes, golden-hued mums, long autumn walks, and toasty marshmallows. And scarecrows. And of course hot chocolate :-).

As I sit here writing, I think about what I miss now that I have moved to Southeast Texas. I so cherish the autumns of my past--it is my favorite season after all. But now, many traditional things are gone. Of course the days are cooling off, but it never really gets cold until November. So that means no more changing leaves, no more snuggling by a fire (at least not until winter!). No more bundling up to protect against the nip in the air. It's still too warm to enjoy a mug of spiced cider or steamy chocolate. I'm learning to appreciate what God has given me here. And to live vicariously through my Northern friends :-). It hasn't been easy, but I'll adjust.

You know what I'm discovering that I love most about autumn? The fellowship with family and friends, the celebration of the bounty and blessings from God, the thanksgiving we share in another year. In other words, the spirit of the season doesn't have to change just because I have moved to a new place. May we continue to praise the Lord for His bountious grace and thank Him for His provisions and care for us.

beth's signature


  1. ashley said...
    Amen! After the craziness of the summer (what with vacations, trips, changes in schedule, etc.), the fall is when people come together again, "hunker down" for the winter. The holiday season is fast approaching, which means time with family! For some of us, the weather is finally comfortable enough to go outside and enjoy the lovely days.

    Remember when we went on a hay ride together in middle school? And enjoying a bonfire, an exciting game of capture the flag, and just overall fun fellowship? Yeah, autumn is my favorite season too!
    Susanna said...
    That is so true.Where ever we are, our God cna teach us and provides for us abundantly. I am trying not to long to see 'fall' in the US, but all the descriptions sound awesome!
    Anonymous said...

    I can relate. We do have autumn here and although we are in a heat wave now, we have had some cooler days.

    I too miss the brilliance of the leaves where I used to be. I moved this spring amd am waiting to see what autumn is like here.

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